another patch for ftp and ssh modules


Here is a patch which cumulates all the patches I sent to this list (apart from the one for the libgnomevfs dir). 

I also made more changes to the ssh module. Now it can properly report when it couldn't connect because a password was needed (btw, if someone wants to review the code which does that, it is the first time I use select, so I probably made some dumb things). 
It would also be nice if the user could specify a password which would then be used to connect if needed, but I did not manage to do it (I don't know how to get a fd where I can send the password so that ssh receives it as input). If someone is interested in getting that to work, the kde fish ioslave seems to do that (but I did not understand the code at all, so I can't do it myself :)
The patch for the ssh method also correctly escapes the quotes contained in file names.

? gnomevfs.diff
? modules.diff
Index: ftp-method.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-vfs/modules/ftp-method.c,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -r1.87 ftp-method.c
--- ftp-method.c	8 May 2002 19:04:51 -0000	1.87
+++ ftp-method.c	4 Sep 2002 07:59:58 -0000
@@ -42,15 +42,18 @@
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-context.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-inet-connection.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-iobuf.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-method.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-utils.h>
-#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-module-shared.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-module.h>
+#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-module-callback-module-api.h>
+#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-module-shared.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-parse-ls.h>
+#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-standard-callbacks.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-utils.h>
 #include <stdio.h> /* for sscanf */
 #include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi */
@@ -504,12 +507,62 @@
+static GnomeVFSResult ftp_login(FtpConnection *conn, 
+                                const char *user, const char *password)
+	gchar *tmpstring;
+	GnomeVFSResult result;
+	static gboolean first_login_attempt = TRUE;
+	tmpstring = g_strdup_printf ("USER %s", user);
+	result = do_basic_command (conn, tmpstring);
+	g_free (tmpstring);
+	if (IS_300 (conn->response_code)) {
+		tmpstring = g_strdup_printf ("PASS %s", password);
+		result = do_basic_command (conn, tmpstring);
+		g_free (tmpstring);
+	}
+	gnome_vfs_uri_set_user_name(conn->uri, user);
+	gnome_vfs_uri_set_password(conn->uri, password);
+	if ((result != GNOME_VFS_OK) && (first_login_attempt)) {
+		GnomeVFSModuleCallbackAuthenticationIn in;
+		GnomeVFSModuleCallbackAuthenticationOut out;
+		gboolean callback_called;
+		in.uri = gnome_vfs_uri_to_string(conn->uri, FALSE);
+		in.realm = NULL;
+		in.previous_attempt_failed = FALSE;
+		in.auth_type = AuthTypeBasic;
+		callback_called = gnome_vfs_module_callback_invoke(GNOME_VFS_MODULE_CALLBACK_AUTHENTICATION, 
+					 &in,
+					 sizeof(GnomeVFSModuleCallbackAuthenticationIn),
+					 &out,
+					 sizeof(GnomeVFSModuleCallbackAuthenticationOut));
+		if (callback_called) {
+			first_login_attempt = FALSE;
+		 	result = ftp_login(conn, out.username, out.password);
+			gnome_vfs_uri_set_user_name(conn->uri, out.username);
+			gnome_vfs_uri_set_password(conn->uri, out.password);
+			g_free(out.username);
+			g_free(out.password);
+		}
+	}
+	first_login_attempt = TRUE;
+	return result;
 static GnomeVFSResult 
 ftp_connection_create (FtpConnection **connptr, GnomeVFSURI *uri, GnomeVFSContext *context) 
 	FtpConnection *conn = g_new0 (FtpConnection, 1);
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
-	gchar *tmpstring;
 	gint port = control_port;
 	const gchar *user = anon_user;
 	const gchar *pass = anon_pass;
@@ -573,16 +626,8 @@
 		return result;
-	tmpstring = g_strdup_printf ("USER %s", user);
-	result = do_basic_command (conn, tmpstring);
-	g_free (tmpstring);
-	if (IS_300 (conn->response_code)) {
-		tmpstring = g_strdup_printf ("PASS %s", pass);
-		result = do_basic_command (conn, tmpstring);
-		g_free (tmpstring);
-	}
+	result = ftp_login(conn, user, pass);
 	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
 		/* login failed */
 		g_warning ("FTP server said: \"%d %s\"\n", conn->response_code,
@@ -592,6 +637,7 @@
 		gnome_vfs_uri_unref (conn->uri);
 		g_string_free (conn->response_buffer, TRUE);
 		g_free (conn);
 		return result;
@@ -785,7 +831,7 @@
 do_is_local (GnomeVFSMethod *method, 
 	     const GnomeVFSURI *uri)
 	return FALSE;
@@ -860,7 +906,7 @@
 	 GnomeVFSContext *context) 
 	FtpConnection *conn = (FtpConnection * )method_handle;
+	GnomeVFSResult result;
 #if 0
 	if (conn->operation != FTP_READ) {
@@ -870,7 +916,11 @@
 	g_print ("do_read (%p)\n", method_handle);
-	return gnome_vfs_iobuf_read (conn->data_iobuf, buffer, num_bytes, bytes_read);
+	result = gnome_vfs_iobuf_read (conn->data_iobuf, buffer, num_bytes, bytes_read);
+	if (*bytes_read == 0) {
+		result = GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF;
+	}
+	return result;
 static GnomeVFSResult 
Index: ssh-method.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-vfs/modules/ssh-method.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.8.2.1 ssh-method.c
--- ssh-method.c	19 Jul 2002 07:57:11 -0000
+++ ssh-method.c	4 Sep 2002 08:00:08 -0000
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
    Author: Ian McKellar <yakk yakk net> */
 #include <config.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <glib/gstrfuncs.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-cancellation.h>
@@ -37,6 +36,15 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <signal.h>
+#define LINE_LENGTH 4096 /* max line length we'll grok */
+//#define DEBUG_SSH
+#ifdef DEBUG_SSH
+#define DEBUG(msg) g_print("%s: %s\n", G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION, (msg))
+#define DEBUG(msg)
 typedef struct {
 	GnomeVFSMethodHandle method_handle;
 	GnomeVFSURI *uri;
@@ -47,6 +55,7 @@
 	GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode;
 	int read_fd;
 	int write_fd;
+	int error_fd;
 	pid_t pid;
 } SshHandle;
@@ -145,6 +154,86 @@
 	NULL /* create_symbolic_link */
+static GnomeVFSResult
+ssh_write (SshHandle *handle,
+	   gconstpointer buffer,
+	   GnomeVFSFileSize num_bytes,
+	   GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_written);
+static gboolean 
+ssh_data_available_on_stderr (SshHandle *handle)
+	struct timeval timeout;
+	fd_set set;
+	int max;
+	/* This function checks if there was data output by ssh
+	 * on stderr to detect if we could successfully connect
+	 * (without that, trying to read from stderr may block)
+	 * It first check both stderr and stdout because if we
+	 * have data on stdout, we assume there will be nothing
+	 * output on stderr (we don't want to block on the first
+	 * select for too long if there will be nothing output on
+	 * stderr)
+	 * FIXME: that's some quite ugly code only to detect if 
+	 * a try to read from stderr will block. Maybe there is 
+	 * a cleaner way to do that
+	 */
+	FD_ZERO(&set);
+	FD_SET(handle->read_fd,  &set);
+	FD_SET(handle->error_fd, &set);
+	timeout.tv_sec = 3;
+	timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+	if (handle->error_fd >= handle->read_fd) {
+		max = handle->error_fd;
+	} else {
+		max = handle->read_fd;
+	}
+	if (select(max+1,&set, NULL, NULL, &timeout) <= 0){
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	FD_CLR(handle->read_fd, &set);
+	timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
+	timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+	if (select(handle->error_fd+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout) <= 0) {
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+static GnomeVFSResult
+ssh_check_connection (SshHandle *handle)
+	GIOChannel *channel;
+	GIOStatus   result;
+	gchar *line;		
+	if (!ssh_data_available_on_stderr(handle)) {
+		return GNOME_VFS_OK;
+	}
+	channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(handle->error_fd);
+	result = g_io_channel_read_line(channel, &line, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	if (result != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) {
+		return GNOME_VFS_OK;
+	}
+	g_io_channel_shutdown(channel, FALSE, NULL);
+	g_io_channel_unref(channel);
+	if (strcmp("Permission denied.\r\n", line) == 0) {
+		g_free(line);
+	}
+	/* FIXME: which other errors can ssh return ? */
+	g_print("Unknown error: %s\n", line);
+	g_free(line);
 /* FIXME: does this like FDs? */
 static GnomeVFSResult
 ssh_connect (SshHandle **handle_return,
@@ -153,17 +242,22 @@
 	char ** argv;
 	SshHandle *handle;
 	char *command_line;
+	const gchar *username;
 	int argc;
 	GError *gerror = NULL;
+	GnomeVFSResult result;
-	command_line  = g_strconcat ("ssh -oBatchmode=yes -x -l ", 
-				     gnome_vfs_uri_get_user_name (uri),
+	username = gnome_vfs_uri_get_user_name(uri);
+	if (username == NULL) {
+		username = g_get_user_name();
+	}
+	command_line  = g_strconcat ("ssh -oBatchMode=yes -x -l ", 
+				     username,
 				     " ", gnome_vfs_uri_get_host_name (uri),
-				     " ", command,
+				     " ", "\"LC_ALL=C;", command,"\"",
 	g_shell_parse_argv (command_line, &argc, &argv, &gerror);
 	g_free (command_line);
 	if (gerror) {
@@ -177,29 +271,39 @@
 	handle->uri = uri;
 	g_spawn_async_with_pipes (NULL, argv, NULL, 
-				  NULL, NULL,
-				  &handle->pid, &handle->write_fd, &handle->read_fd,
-				  NULL, &gerror);
+				  &handle->pid, 
+				  &handle->write_fd, &handle->read_fd,
+				  &handle->error_fd, &gerror);
 	g_strfreev (argv);
 	if (gerror) {
 		g_warning (gerror->message);
 		g_free (handle);
+		handle = NULL;
 	gnome_vfs_uri_ref (handle->uri);
 	*handle_return = handle;
-	return GNOME_VFS_OK;
+	result = ssh_check_connection(handle);
+	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
+		gnome_vfs_uri_unref (handle->uri);
+		g_free (handle);
+		handle = NULL;
+	}
+	return result;
 static GnomeVFSResult
 ssh_destroy (SshHandle *handle)
 	close (handle->read_fd);
 	close (handle->write_fd);
+	close (handle->error_fd);
 	gnome_vfs_uri_unref (handle->uri);
 	kill (handle->pid, SIGINT);
 	g_free (handle);
@@ -256,26 +360,6 @@
 #if 0
-static char *ssh_escape (const char *string)
-	char *new_str;
-	int i,j;
-	new_str = g_malloc0 (strlen (string)*2+3);
-	new_str[0]='\'';
-	for (i=0,j=1; string[i] != '\0'; i++, j++) {
-		if (string[i] == '\'') {
-			new_str[j] = '\\';
-			j++;
-		}
-		new_str[j] = string[i];
-	}
-	return new_str;
 static GnomeVFSResult
 ssh_send (SshHandle *handle,
 	  const char *string)
@@ -305,27 +389,24 @@
 	GnomeVFSResult result = GNOME_VFS_OK;
 	char *cmd;
 	SshHandle *handle = NULL;
-	char *name;
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	if (mode == GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ) {
-		/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("cat '%s'", name);
+		char *name;
+		char *quoted_name;
+		name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, 
+						  G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+		quoted_name = g_shell_quote(name);
+		g_free(name);
+		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("cat %s", quoted_name);
 		result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 		g_free (cmd);
+		g_free (quoted_name);
 		if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
-			g_free (name);
 			return result;
-		}
-	} else if (mode == GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE) {
-		g_free (name);
+		}		
 	} else {
-		g_free (name);
@@ -333,9 +414,7 @@
 	handle->type = SSH_FILE;
 	*method_handle = (GnomeVFSMethodHandle *)handle;
-	g_free (name);
-	return result;
+	return GNOME_VFS_OK;
 static GnomeVFSResult   
@@ -351,33 +430,31 @@
 	char *cmd;
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
 	char *name;
+	char *quoted_name;
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	if (mode != GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE) {
-		g_free (name);
+	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+	quoted_name = g_shell_quote(name);
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("cat > '%s'", name);
+	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("cat > %s", quoted_name);
 	result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 	g_free (cmd);
+	g_free (name);
+	g_free (quoted_name);
 	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
-		g_free (name);
 		return result;
 	/* FIXME: set perm */
 	handle->open_mode = mode;
 	handle->type = SSH_FILE;
 	*method_handle = (GnomeVFSMethodHandle *)handle;
-	g_free (name);
 	return result;
@@ -386,6 +463,7 @@
 	  GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle,
 	  GnomeVFSContext *context)
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	return ssh_destroy ((SshHandle *)method_handle);
@@ -397,8 +475,15 @@
 	 GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_read,
 	 GnomeVFSContext *context)
-	return ssh_read ((SshHandle *)method_handle, buffer, num_bytes,
-			bytes_read);
+	GnomeVFSResult result;
+	DEBUG("begin");
+	result =  ssh_read ((SshHandle *)method_handle, buffer, num_bytes,
+		  	    bytes_read);
+	if (*bytes_read == 0) {	
+		result = GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF;
+	}
+	return result;
 /* alternative impl:
@@ -412,6 +497,7 @@
 	  GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_written,
 	  GnomeVFSContext *context)
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	return ssh_write ((SshHandle *)method_handle, buffer, num_bytes,
@@ -427,29 +513,32 @@
 	char *cmd = NULL;
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
 	char *name;
+	char *quoted_name;
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+	quoted_name = g_shell_quote(name);
-	if (strlen (name) > 0) {
-		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ls -l '%s'", name);
+	if (*name != '\0') {
+		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ls -l %s", quoted_name);
 	} else {
 		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ls -l '/'");
 	result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
+	g_free (quoted_name);
 	g_free (name);
 	g_free (cmd);
 	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
+		DEBUG("end");
 		return result;
 	handle->open_mode = GNOME_VFS_OPEN_NONE;
 	handle->type = SSH_LIST;
 	*method_handle = (GnomeVFSMethodHandle *)handle;
-	return result;
+	DEBUG("end");
 	return GNOME_VFS_OK;
@@ -458,11 +547,10 @@
 		    GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle,
 		    GnomeVFSContext *context)
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	return ssh_destroy ((SshHandle *)method_handle);
-#define LINE_LENGTH 4096 /* max line length we'll grok */
 static GnomeVFSResult 
 do_read_directory (GnomeVFSMethod *method,
 		   GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle,
@@ -470,23 +558,25 @@
 		   GnomeVFSContext *context)
 	GnomeVFSResult result = GNOME_VFS_OK;
-	char line[LINE_LENGTH];
+	char line[LINE_LENGTH+1];
 	char c;
 	int i=0;
-	GnomeVFSFileSize j;
+	GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read;
 	struct stat st;
 	char *tempfilename, *filename, *linkname;
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	for (;;) {
 		tempfilename = NULL;
 		filename = NULL;
 		linkname = NULL;
 		i = 0;
-		j = 0;
+		bytes_read = 0;
 		while (i<LINE_LENGTH) {
-			result = ssh_read ((SshHandle *)method_handle, &c, 1, &j);
-			if (j == 0 || c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
+			result = ssh_read ((SshHandle *)method_handle, &c,
+					   sizeof(char), &bytes_read);
+			if (bytes_read == 0 || c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
@@ -497,12 +587,13 @@
 			line[i] = c;
+		/* Here we can have i == LINE_LENGTH which explains 
+		 * why the size of line is LINE_LENGTH+1
+		 */
 		line[i] = 0;
 		if (i == 0) {
 		if (!gnome_vfs_parse_ls_lga (line, &st, &tempfilename, &linkname)) {
 			/* Maybe the file doesn't exist? */
 			if (strstr (line, "No such file or directory"))
@@ -556,12 +647,14 @@
 	char *cmd = NULL;
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
 	char *name;
+	char *quoted_name;
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+	quoted_name = g_shell_quote (name);
-	if (strlen (name) > 0) {
-		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ls -ld '%s' 2>&1", name);
+	if (*name != '\0') {
+		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ls -ld %s 2>&1", quoted_name);
 	} else {
 		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ls -ld '/' 2>&1");
@@ -569,8 +662,10 @@
 	result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 	g_free (cmd);
 	g_free (name);
+	g_free (quoted_name);
 	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
+		DEBUG("end");
 		return result;
@@ -581,7 +676,7 @@
 				    file_info, context);
 	ssh_destroy (handle);
+	DEBUG("end");
 	return (result == GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF ? GNOME_VFS_OK : result);
@@ -595,12 +690,13 @@
 	char *cmd = NULL;
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
 	char *name;
+	char *quoted_name;
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+	quoted_name = g_shell_quote (name);
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("mkdir '%s'", name);
+	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("mkdir %s", quoted_name);
 	result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 	g_free (cmd);
 	g_free (name);
@@ -623,16 +719,19 @@
 	char *cmd = NULL;
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
 	gchar *name;
+	gchar *quoted_name;
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
 	if (name == NULL)
+	quoted_name = g_shell_quote(name);
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("rm -rf '%s'", name);
+	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("rm -rf %s", quoted_name);
 	result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 	g_free (cmd);
 	g_free (name);
+	g_free (quoted_name);
 	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
 		return result;
@@ -652,13 +751,15 @@
 	char *cmd = NULL;
 	GnomeVFSResult result;
 	gchar *name;
+	gchar *quoted_name;
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
 	if (name == NULL)
+	quoted_name = g_shell_quote (name);
-	/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("rm -rf '%s'", name);
+	cmd = g_strdup_printf ("rm -rf %s", quoted_name);
 	result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 	g_free (cmd);
 	g_free (name);
@@ -684,6 +785,7 @@
 	GnomeVFSResult result=GNOME_VFS_OK;
 	gchar *full_name;
+	DEBUG("begin");
 	full_name = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (uri->text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
 	if (full_name == NULL)
@@ -692,6 +794,8 @@
 		char *encoded_dir;
 		char *dir;
 		char *new_name;
+		char *quoted_full_name;
+		char *quoted_new_name;
 		encoded_dir = gnome_vfs_uri_extract_dirname (uri);
 		dir = gnome_vfs_unescape_string (encoded_dir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
@@ -710,32 +814,35 @@
 		/* FIXME: escape for shell */
-		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("mv '%s' '%s'", full_name,
-				       new_name);
+		quoted_new_name = g_shell_quote(new_name);
+		quoted_full_name = g_shell_quote(full_name);
+		cmd = g_strdup_printf ("mv %s %s", quoted_full_name,
+				       quoted_new_name);
 		result = ssh_connect (&handle, uri, cmd);
 		g_free (cmd);
 		g_free (dir);
 		g_free (new_name);
+		g_free (quoted_new_name);
+		g_free (quoted_full_name);
+		g_free (full_name);
+		if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
+			return result;
+		}
 		/* Read all info from remote host */
 		while (1) {
 			char c;
 			GnomeVFSResult res;
-			GnomeVFSFileSize j;
-			res = ssh_read (handle, &c, 1, &j);
-			if (j == 0 || res != GNOME_VFS_OK)
+			GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read;
+			res = ssh_read (handle, &c, 1, &bytes_read);
+			if (bytes_read == 0 || res != GNOME_VFS_OK)
 		ssh_destroy (handle);
-		if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
-			g_free (full_name);
-			return result;
-		}
-	g_free (full_name);
 	return result;
@@ -745,6 +852,7 @@
 			      GnomeVFSFileInfo *file_info,
 			      GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions options)
+	DEBUG();

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