Re: Yet Another Theme Mockup

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 23:33, Thomas Wood wrote:
> The pixmap engine has never been optimised and is rather neglected as I 
> understand it, which is why there are so many performance issues with 
> it.
> > There is a homoeopathic amount of gradient at all backgrounds.
> > Another particularly important thing is the notebook's drop-shadow and
> > the treeview's in-shadow. Is there a way to do this without the
> > pixmap-engine?
> Not unless you write your own engine.

I've had a quick glance into the Smooth Engine source code, it may be
possible to extend to support a Gaussian blur shadow. But my guess is
that it is probably hard to draw that to the smooth_canvas in an
efficient way.
I have to look more into the source, maybe I still have an idea how to
make this work.

> >
> You could probably set the window background, but making a metacity 
> theme that exactly lines up would be tricky. Also, most windows do not 
> have a single background like that, and would have a other controls on 
> top which would end up making it just look ugly. Too much interest on 
> the background of a window is probably not a good idea from a usability 
> point of view.

Probably right, it is not a very good example.

Thanks for your comments!
|      Samuel Abels       |    |
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