Re: Default background

Il mar, 2003-06-17 alle 13:07, Mark Finlay ha scritto:
> What do people think of this for a default gnome background:
> It's a 4px pattern (half of which is transparent) over a solid
> #76848F - which means that it not only looks good, but is super
> fast too ;) I think it looks good, but it relatively neutral and
> non distracting, and if someone doesn't like the stripes they
> can turn off the background image and still be left with a 
> pretty reasonable background color.

Pretty good, I like it.

> Also, If we were to change the color that gdm sets the background
> when you log in too #76848F, it would make the login feel that
> little bit smoother.

True, absolutely. At least in default configuration gdm and GNOME
Desktop should use the same background.
Think bigger

			My uncle

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