Re: [Gnome-print] .fontmap files proposal

Lauris Kaplinski <> writes:

> 2. Files
> Instead of single fontmap files, there will be catalogues of files:
> $prefix/share/fonts
> $home/.gnome/fonts
> $sysconfdir/fonts
> I am not sure about the last one, but $prefix (/usr usually) is not 
> intended to be machine specific, so there has to be palce, where
> sysadmin can put global fonts.
> Only files matching *.fontmap pattern are loaded.
> Files are loaded in alphabetic order.
> Directory order is:

My main comment here would be that unless something is actually
standardized, we shouldn't be tromping on a generic namespace
like $sysconfdir/fonts/. It's the same reason why 
gtk_widget_show() isn't widget_show(). 

The current Red Hat gnome-print RPMs use /etc/gnome/fonts/fontmap2
as the fontmap location, and I think it would be good if
the upstream packages used /etc/gnome/fonts as well.

(The Red Hat packages also install the .font files in
/usr/share/gnome-print/fonts rather than in /usr/share/fonts
on the same principle.) 


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