Re: [gnome-mud] G-M glade branch

Robin Ericsson wrote:
Well, this is a good stance in how the future should be, should we release 0.11 based on 0.10 (HEAD branch) which actually work, which the glade branch is far from doing. I haven't looked at either code for some time now, and maybe the best would be to sit down and have a look at current problems, get them on a list together with "wanna have" stuff and then we make a decision, either use glade branch, or we don't :)

Most issues in bugzilla, 3 bugs and 5 enhancements is a pretty good start I guess.

Both Jordi and Daniel seemed to have read my mind about using a wiki for this type of list and created one over at [1]

I filled in some more from bugzilla and added most from the ROADMAP-fil in CVS. Maybe we can get this ball running again.

Fix a few crucial bugs and release 0.11.0, then try to release more often where minor version (0.12.0, 0.13.0, etc) consists of new features and patch-versions (0.11.1, 0.12.1, etc) consists of bugfixes only.

That should make the development look faster and maybe attract more users. Also, being less then version 1 maybe also make users look at another client, so maybe we should try to decide what should go into 1.0.0 release?



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