Re: GnomeHRef [libgnomeui] : link_colour

On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 09:11, Deepa Natarajan wrote:
> Hi,
> This is regarding the gnome-about application. With reference to the
> GnomeHref in libgnomeui. 
> I was trying to change the color of link in GnomeHRef. Here is a part of
> the gtkrc file 
> style "hrefs" {
>     GnomeHRef::link_colour = "red"
>   }

aargh.  shouldn't it be "color" like the rest of X/gtk/gnome ?

[ note i'm not being us-centric directly - this is a consistency issue ]

> class "GnomeHRef" style "hrefs" 
> [ thanks to James for this ]
> but this didn't work :(
> I am not sure if something is wrong with my gtkrc file or if this is
> hard coded in libgnomeui.

i can verify that i can't make it work.

looking at the code, it doesn't listen to the style_set signal.  doesn't
it need to update the colors there rather than at object instantiation

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 music and i love their ethos, but that thom yorke guy always seems to
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