Re: houston, we have a problem- 2.10 showstoppers

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 18:21:40 -0500, Christopher Aillon
<caillon redhat com> wrote:
> Elijah Newren wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 10:43:35 -0500, Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>The bug we have a handle on- go elijah go!
> >>166722: gnome_url_show needs to use startup-notification and take a
> >>timestamp parameter- basically, this is the 'when i open a webpage
> >>from xchat, the browser never pops to the front' bug. Given how much
> >>work has been put in to fix focus, we shouldn't be shipping with
> >>something that affects external users so much.
> >
> >
> > I should point out a few things here:
> > (1) I think this bug can be punted, given a small change to nautilus
> > and gnome-terminal to make them attempt to handle not being launched
> > with startup notification--similar to what Galeon and Epiphany now do.
> >
> > (2) As far as I know, Mozilla and firefox are still basically broken
> > in this respect and there's not a lot we can do about it; those two
> > apps need to support startup-notification as launchees (including the
> > timestamp part of startup notification).  Without that, there's no way
> > to get them to work, whether they are launched with
> > startup-notification or not.  This should probably be in the release
> > notes in the known issues section.
> Someone point me in the right direction, then.  I'll get this supported
> in Firefox and Mozilla upstream.

Sweet!  I've been trying to get myself oriented in Mozilla code today.
 Hopefully this means that I don't have to.  ;-)

Anyway, I guess a good place to look is at other modules and how they
do it.  startup-notification support was recently added to nautilus. 
You can see the patches and discussion at
(Havoc or someone who understands the startup-notification spec better
than me probably should have sanity checked it, but hey, the patches
You can also take a look at the gnome-terminal code that does the same
basic thing.  Grep for "startup_id" in src/terminal.c and

Feel free to email me if you have questions.  I'll then either shoot
of my mouth if I think I know the answer, or ask Havoc or Mark for the
answers and relay them to you if I'm worried about being right.  :)
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