needs some love

Hi there!
Today I was talking to Kjartan Maraas and we've found that d.g.o needs
some major updates.
Here are some thoughts on possible changes:
  - drop or revamp outdated and/or unmaintained sites.
  - merge some categories having similar content (e.g. What's New /
News; GNOME Widgets / GNOME Miscellanous / GNOME Desktop)
  - reduce dups - GTK+ and Architecture both have "Language Bindings"
subcategories pointing to different pages.
  - unify page layout - headings have different sizes, some are just
consisting of images
  - remove old links pointing to GTK+/GNOME 1.0 documentation
  - check linked pages (especially extern) for their existence and
remove those links if they're nonexistent.
These are just some thoughts, a big effort needs to take place. The page
contains alot of outdated cruft which scares a lot of developers willing
to help developing GNOME or third-party apps.
We'll start hacking as soon as possible and try to completely redesign
the whole developer pages' structure and content within about 1 or 2
Everybody is invited to join us!

I'm cross-posting this message as this affects hackers as well as



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  John "Maddog" Hall, Präsident von Linux International

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