Re: What to do in order to make the gnome development platform rock.

On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 04:27:36PM +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> I would hope that any bindings would interoperate well with any existing
> standardised equivalents, so that you could (if you wanted to) use the
> standard interface for simple XML parsing and then use the same objects
> with the Java libxml when you need the extra functionality. This seems
> to be equivalent to the new utf8 string in Gtk-- which does utf8 but can
> be used almost seemlessly with the standard string which can't do utf8.
> I don't know enough about the Java XML parser APIs to know whether this
> is really possible, so feel free to ignore me.

  Good example, DOM forces character representations to be 16bits,
which royally sucks when your internal representation is UTF8, I let
you derive all the madness associated to this mismatch.
  Of course that decision was probably in a large way influenced by
Microsoft and Java existing APIs (broken just look how Java compliant
parser can't even reuse the original charset Java support and how those
who reuse them just break on any I18N serious testing).
  Anyway I recognize I'm biased against the Java platform, but
I definitely won't prevent people from working on binding either
close to the existing Java APIs or close to the existing libxml APIs.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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