Anyone willing to help getting a better GNOME site?

hi dudes,
Some of the members of the gnome-web development team have been
strugling to get the necessary accounts for the last few months with no
progress being made. Account requests has been sent or attempted sent to
rootmaster gnome org, gnome-sysadmin gnome org and accounts gnome org  I
also tried mailing Martin Baulig directly about this.

I think more people here than me are eager to get improvements on the
GNOME website (current projects being hindered progressing due to this
is a new software map and website searching, which in turn is holding up
progress on implementing the new design for, but in order for
that to happen we need someone to step up and help us get the needed

So if someone with the access to help with this could please reply to
this mail I would be very happy. 

I thought I should also mention that thanks to he help of Michael
Bernstein we now have both posting preview and moderation working on


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