Re: GNOME CVS: gnome-core martin

On 11 Aug 2001 20:56:54 -0400, Gnome CVS User wrote:
> CVSROOT:	/cvs/gnome
> Module name:	gnome-core
> Changes by:	martin	01/08/11 20:56:54
> Modified files:
> 	.              : 
> Log message:
> Make -Werror the default.
> If you don't like it, use the --enable-compile-warnings=<something> argument
> to override it.

why don't you just export the CFLAGS you want to use in your
environment?  this way, you can have whichever warnings etc. you want,
and my build doesn't get broken.

besides the fact these cflags are gcc specific.

plus, you don't have to add all the warnings in each module, and the
configure option to all of them either.

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