Re: The great "kill-scrollkeeper-with-a-blunt-spoon" Proposal

On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 22:49 +0100, Don Scorgie wrote:
> 3.2. spoon-register
> -------------------

I'm not claiming to be an absolute authority here, but I think it'd be
nice to avoid a -register program. Mono does this with DLL's in the
Global Assembly Cache by defining exactly where they land in the
filesystem. Then a package can just plop down the appropriate files and
not worry about having to invoke install/uninstall hooks. In this case,
you could say something like "put your OMF file in the following


or whatever. If there are any index files that need to be updated, you
can rebuild them as-needed (I think you can just check the modtime of
the containing directory?).

Anyway, in general, I'd say it's better to have a "just put a file in
directory X and you're good" model rather than an "invoke this black box
tool" model. At least it makes packaging a lot more straightforward.

Just a thought,


Peter Williams / peter newton cx

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