Re: The state of MonoDevelop

Hi Todd, 

On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 22:42, Todd Berman wrote:
> Hello,
> 	Not sure how much of this will be new info to some of you guys, and how
> much will just be a rehashing of stuff you already know, so I will stay
> brief and to the point (at least try to).
> 	For the past month or so a couple of the mono hackers have been playing
> with a port of SharpDevelop to Gtk#/Gnome#. We have made some pretty
> good progress. If you need more info, we have a list setup at
> and some of us have been blogging about it.
> 	Right now we are going for as much Gnome desktop integration as
> possible. Ben Maurer is working on replacing our custom text control
> with a binding that uses GtkSourceView for further Gnome integration.

Very cool. Why did you decide to try GtkSourceView instead of the port
of MD's own editor? If you (or Ben) wants to discuss how to
improve/change gtksourceview, it's best to include Paolo (gedit
maintainer) and Gustavo (co-maintainer of gtksourceview) in the
discussion (and please CC me as well :) ).

> 	I am curious if anyone here has given any thought to using parts or all
> of what we have for Scaffold or other devtools projects. I feel that
> there is great potential, as one of C#s greatest abilities is how easy
> it can work with C, and any other .NET language (For example, there is
> some good work being done on a python.NET compiler that would allow
> python to be used.)

I really like C#. I started a Scaffold port written in C#, but stopped
developing it after seeing the progress on MD.

One of the main concerns voiced on this list is that with a C# core,
it's difficult to have plugins written in different languages (C,
Python, C++ etc). Have you given thought to this?

Probably the most interesting piece of code in scaffold is gnome-build:
there's quite a bit of code that parses and's
and builds an XML representation of the automake/conf project. Then
there's code which allows you to add/remove files without regenerating
any of the files: doing a diff of the changes would only show the line
where you would have made the changes yourself.

Has anybody written any architecture docs btw? It would be nice to get
an overview of MD's architecture. We're having some discussions on this
list on how to proceed with scaffold, including some architectural
changes (expose the inner workings/plugins via some sort of XPath:
/Documents/Untitled0, /Session etc). See for more info)

What do other people on this list think about scaffold vs MonoDevelop?

> 	As an aside, please, try and restrict the anti-mono/C# flames a bit ;).

No worries from me :)



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