Re: GGV 1.1.96

> 	I presume you screwed up the ref counting on your CORBA_Object
> reference - probably you don't hold a reference on it when it's
> registered - thus you're invoking a method on a stale / freed Object
> handle [ or perhaps the other end is freed because you don't hold a ref
> on it ].
It does not seem to be the case. Just adding _ref calls does not help.
As far as I can understand, it is BonoboControl (i.e. GGV) is trying to
get the details on Bonobo_UIContainer (supplied by me) and fails -
that's what the warning says. After that point everything goes bad:( So
the question is:
After I create my container, should I register it somewhere? Should I
bind it using CORBA naming service or anything else? Should I provide
any .idl/.oaf/.desktop:) files about it?



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