Re: A random idea

Hi Peter,

On 24 May 2001, Peter Williams wrote:
>       I'd like to punt out an idea that I've been thinking about for a    
> few days. It's pretty simple: something along the lines of GNOME
> Standard Interfaces. 
        It is a good idea, and indeed Bonobo should fill this space,
providing all the generic interfaces people need.

>       GNOME::Hierarchy. An interface for accessing a hierarchichal 
> space such as a filesystem, an ETree, etc.
>       GNOME::AsyncTask. An interface for starting and controlling
> asynchronous tasks.
>       GNOME::Activatable. For something that can be "turned on" an off 
> (but would, for example, throw an exception if it were already
> activated)
        These sound nice, _But_ I desparately want to avoid having unused,
and untested interfaces in Bonobo, or GNOME as a whole - particularly if  
it looks like we are reccommending them.
        In the past we have introduced interfaces, and added methods to   
them that feel sort of useful with gay abandon and produced some pretty
useless interfaces.
        So ... if you have any of the above interfaces implemented, and   
are currently using them in real code without issues - then yes, I am very
interested in folding them into Bonobo, and encouraging their re-use.
Otherwise I'm just not.
>       Right now it seems like a good idea so I thought I'd share it. 
> Do you all think this sounds like something worth spending time on?
        If you want to spend time on it, please - design the interfaces   
to solve some real problem, show me how they solve the particular problem
you are interested in and we'll fold them in. I don't want to discourage  
you, but we do want quality and usefulness.

 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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