Re: [Fwd: Re: gnome-speech stability with the DECtalk driver.]

On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 10:50, remus draica wrote:
> -----Forwarded Message-----
> From: Kenny Hitt <kenny hittsjunk net>
> To: gnome-accessibility-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: gnome-speech stability with the DECtalk driver.
> Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 09:16:40 -0600
> On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 10:27:54AM +0200, remus draica wrote:
> > Does Braille Monitor still work after the crash? Because no such problem was reported for another driver and gnopernicus doesn't care what TTS is used, it seems to be a gnome-speech problem? 
> > Does gnopernicus work well with another TTS (festival, freetts)? 
> > Try to run all tests from gnome-speech/test/test-speech program and check if all work fine for DECtalk.
> > 
> Hi.  I can't answer your question about Braille Monitor since I'm
> totally blind and use speech to get access to my computer.
> All the tests using test-speech seem to work for DECtalk.  I'm not sure
> what was supposed to happen with the "Wait test", but it didn't crash
> speaking the sentences.
> No matter if I choose male or female, I get all DECtalk voices.
> For now, my only other synth is festival.  The festival driver doesn't
> seem to have the same problems.
> Is it possible to make Gnopernicus use a specific gnome-speech driver
> with a command line option?  Since I have Gnopernicus configured to use
> the DECtalk driver by default, I'd like a way to try restarting it with
> the festival driver from a command line.
> Hope this helps.
>           Kenny


If you want to make Gnopernicus use only the festival driver you have to
rename the other drivers from the directory where Gnome Speech drivers
are built  (libdir/bonobo/servers, where "libdir" is the path where the
libraries for Gnome Speech are installed). 

In this directory, each driver starts with
"GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_" followed by the name of the driver.
Rename all the drivers, except the festival driver which is

After that, you have to restart your computer.

Oana Serb  

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