Re: java/java access bridge issues with fc3

Hi, Dave.
Whatever, the access bridge problem is it is not related to  the amount of
ram you have. Especially, when we are talking 256 or 512 MB of ram.
If memory serves me correctly FC3 only requires 64 MB of ram for the
operating system and X running, and the rest is free space for apps.
Anyway, your issue is not memory related. My only thought is that the bridge
is not getting registered properly wen Notepad is being loaded.

----- Original Message -----
From: "dave" <dmehler26 woh rr com>
To: "Bill Haneman" <Bill Haneman Sun COM>;
<gnome-accessibility-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: java/java access bridge issues with fc3

> Hello,
>     Thanks, on fc3 there's several other java packages gcc-java, libgcj,
> libgcj-devel as rpms. I removed them, and that fixed the issue of a
> now Notepad starts, but i don't get speech output. I've reinstalled access
> bridge v1.4.2 with:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr
> make
> make install
> I've heard on another box what this is suppose to sound like, it isn't
> happening here. Is there a limitation perram as to what will work with
> This box has i believe either 512 or 256mb of ram, can't remember which.
> Thanks
> Dave.
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