Re: linux distribution for gnopernicus

Mandrake 9.2 or later will run gnopernicus just fine. Mandrake offers gnopernicus/gnome-speech rpms on their ftp mirrors, and power pack cd set.
Fedora Linux core 1 or later has gnopernicus, and I believe Suse 9.0 also has it.
I believe Fedora, Suse, and Mandrake are probably the most well known distributions with gnopernicus support, but several others I've seen have it as well.
Just as a side note, I've found FreeBSD 5.1 ports of Gnome 2.4 and gnopernicus and festival which gives us some access to FreeBSD as well.
 were ---- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 5:16 PM
Subject: linux distribution for gnopernicus

Hello everybody,
I would like to know which linux distribution is able to support the gnopernicus?  I am told about debian, but I would like to have more options. 

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