Re: startx warnings

Hi Christopher:

The message you are getting is _probably_ due to a stale lockfile. 
Possible candidates are


Try removing those files manually and starting over.  In this case the
best way of silencing the message may be avoiding the error :-)

By the way, since the warning should be topmost when it occurs, spacebar
or Enter should close it as well as a mouse click.

This brings up the issue of bootstrapping.  Since gnopernicus, etc.
requires gconf, these sorts of messages are likely to arise before
gnopernicus has actually started up.

One possibility for GNOME, which will require some discussion, is to
create an expanded error handling facility so that error dialogs in
GNOME are (potentially) self-voicing and even self-brailling. 

- Bill

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 01:34, Christopher Moore wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm starting gnome-session from a text console with an .xinitrc script.
> I'm getting a warning message from gconf-sanity-check-2 which requires a
> mouse click on the continue button to proceed.  Since I can't use the
> mouse, how can I get around this without having to call on sighted
> assistance?  
> I think the warning was about someone else may be logged into your computer
> at the same time.  Are there settings in the .gconf tree to automatically
> bypass this screen?
> Thanks
> Chris  
> -- 
> The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (98% of Full)
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