[Mostly OT] Re: Now Getting Braille Output From Gnopernicus

On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 19:31, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 12:08:42PM -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 11:57, Irene Ryan wrote:
> > > I have just started gathering some information to write a chapter on
> > > Gnopernicus for the GNOME Accessibility Guide. The focus of the
> > > chapter would be on using Gnopernicus but I can also include the
> > > necessary information about how to set it up or at least pointers to
> > > where the setup is already documented, if that's the case. 
> > 
> > It seems like there probably needs to be a separate 'build and
> > installation' guide for most of GNOME, but for a11y in particular- the
> > average user of a11y probably doesn't want to/can't build it themselves,
> > but the average tester/developer clearly needs help with it. Seems like
> > putting all the documentation in one doc probably ignores that, doesn't
> > it?
> I have already started pulling together the stuff for this, but it's the
> third document on my list, so it will be a few days before I get to it
> (the other two are nearly done).  I want to write something that
> describes how to build GNOME from scratch from CVS or from tarballs,
> including how to only build portions of the platforms (so including
> dependencies, etc).

Great to hear.

> The document will be independent of the use of garnome or jhbuild or
> vicious-build-scripts or anything like that. However, it will explain
> what those scripts are doing (the idea is to have an appendix or
> something that describes the above tools for automated builds). I am a
> big believer in giving people enough information to build things for
> themselves without saying "you must use script XXX".  

This is the best way to do documentation, yes.

> It is a continual disappointment to me that the README for a GNOME
>  platform or desktop release does not contain at least a build order
>  for the released tarballs.

We (release-team) would love to have these, we're just very shorthanded,
typically. I believe someone has already stepped up to do the release
notes for the 2.4 release- I'm sure if you wanted to whip this up,
Malcolm, that someone (and all the rest of us, of course) would be
pretty excited.


> Malcolm

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