Re: Documentation about ATK and AT-SPI

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Replying to myself

On Tuesday 24 June 2003 19:10, Gunnar Schmi Dt wrote:
> Hello,
> One of the goals of the KDE Accessibility Project (KDEAP) is to write a
> bridge between Qt and AT-SPI. One of the first steps in this direction is
> to decide whether we want to bridge directly to AT-SPI or if it is better
> to bridge to ATK instead. As this is a basic decision we (the people from
> the KDEAP) think that a discussion on the kde-core-devel mailing list
> cannot hurt. However, the people on that list know nothing about ATK and
> Therefore I have written a document about ATK and AT-SPI. The purpose of
> this document is to give a first overview and to give pointers to more
> detailed information.
> I would like to ask you to have a look on the document (just for the case
> that I screwed everything up and wrote total nonsense). It can be found at
> I have also written a glossary on accessibility related expressions
> ( If you find some expressions that
> are missing, please send me a mail.
> Gunnar Schmi Dt

I have some questions that I forgot to add to the mail:
1. Is it necessary to use the two classes AtkRegistry and AtkObjectFactory 
when bridging to ATK or is it possible to create the AtkObjects in an other 
way? The use of these two classes is extremely difficult if your widgets are 
_not_ glib-based.
2. Why is there an AtkDocument within ATK but no Document interface within 
AT-SPI? How do the AT-clients get the access to the DOM?
3. The documentation of AtkDocument does only say that it's possible to 
enquire a gpointer to the DOM. Therefore I suppose we need to convert a 
Qt-based DOM tree to a glib-based DOM tree. Is that correct?
4. The same for AtkStreamableContent: I assume a Qt application that bridges 
to Atk would need to convert a Qt based stream into a Glib based stream. Is 
that correct?
5. I know that AT-SPI is dependend on any Corba-implementation and that ATK is 
dependend on glib. What are the exact dependencies of the library that 
bridges between these two?

Gunnar Schmi Dt
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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