ximian-connector 2.2.2

       Module: ximian-connector
      Version: 2.2.2
  Uploaded by: JP Rosevear

  md5sum: 46b3d85cd2f72e831fe31a22a56788fc
    size: 2.0M

  md5sum: 2cee47bdf6030d30a5ac82e5028b58ed
    size: 1.4M


Exchange Connector 2.2.2  2005-04-04

Bugzilla bugs fixed (see http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi):

	#74029 - Connector 2.2.1: crash every time on start up (Sushma)
	#74050 - Exchange storage always crashes for invalid OWA (Sushma)
	#73494 - Show folder size: Raname/create a folder not reflected (Sushma)
	#72100 - Show folder size is empty for 'Favourite folders' (Sushma)
	#74227 - Deleting the recurrence appointment does not update the tag calendar (Chenthill)
	#74218 - Connector hangs while creating meeting in 'Calendar' in 'List view' (Vivek)

Updated Translations :

  - ca (Josep Puigdemont)
  - rw (Steve Murphy)
  - xh (Adi Attar)

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