ASCII Encoding stack trace

I keep seeing this stack trace whenever I select a picture in icon
mode.  If I switch to edit mode on that picture, then selecting it
does not produce the error anymore, but other pictures do.  Anything
obvious here?  Thanks.

Cannot convert type "ComponentsConfiguration" to string
exif:ComponentsConfiguration has no values; skipping
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: ArgRange_Array
Parameter name: count
in [0x0007b] (at
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:GetString (System.Byte[] bytes, Int32 index,
Int32 count)
in [0x00008] (at
FSpot.Tiff.UserComment:.ctor (System.Byte[] raw_data, Boolean little)
in [0x0000e] (at
FSpot.Tiff.DirectoryEntry:get_UserCommentValue ()
in [0x000ab] (at
FSpot.Tiff.DirectoryEntry:get_ValueAsString ()
in [0x00360] (at
FSpot.Tiff.Header:SelectDirectory (FSpot.Tiff.ImageDirectory dir,
StatementSink sink)
in [0x003d2] (at
FSpot.Tiff.Header:SelectDirectory (FSpot.Tiff.ImageDirectory dir,
StatementSink sink)

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