Re: [evolution-patches] This patch removes some compiler warnings (on gcc 4.0)

On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 16:15 +0530, Not Zed wrote:

Any reason why you're getting warnings on those?  I would've imagined it would only happen if libxml was compiled with 16 bit xmlChar, but that will break more than just a few warnings ?

Or is it just an unsigned char vs signed issue?

I think it's simple unsigned char vs singed issue. Gcc 4.0 is a little bit more pedantic about warning about it, I guess.

On Mon, 2005-05-02 at 21:36 +0200, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
Mainly (xmlChar*) casting for libxml  . . .

Philip Van Hoof, Software Developer @ Cronos
home: me at pvanhoof dot be
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