Re: [evolution-patches] Patch to enable cursor and keyboard navigation in mail reader,(v3) revoke previous ones

Hello York and Radek, 

York -- I am really impressed by the speed with which you guys have been
producing these patches! Great work. :) 

I'm going to reply to Radek's question below: 

Il gio, 2003-06-19 alle 10:56, Radek Doulík ha scritto:
> Hi York,
> 	I am sorry for the late reply.
> 	Your patch looks mostly OK. The problem I see there is that your patch
> enables cursor in view mode by default. I am Cc-ing Anna as it's a UI
> issue. I think it will be better to enable cursor in view mode only by
> keyboard binded command - similar to what Mozilla does - it uses F7
> 	Anna, what do you think?

So, my belief is that indeed, this should be optional. To explain:

There are a lot of people who read their mail by highlighting  sentences
and/or paragraphs as they read them. I guess that doing this helps them
to keep track of where they are in the email. Now, currently in
Evolution, if I highlight some text in the preview pane with my mouse
and then press the arrow keys to scroll the message a bit, my selection
remains. Yay. :) 

On the other hand, if I do the same thing in Mozilla with caret mode
(aka cursor in view mode) turned on, then, when I scroll the webpage
with the arrow keys, my selection is lost. 

This seems unnecessarily annoying to me... what if I had really wanted
to copy that text?  I think that given this implication of caret mode,
we should make it optional.. so that people's pre-existing usage
patterns won't be disrupted unless they so desire.

Does that seem logical to you?

best regards, 

Anna Marie Dirks <anna ximian com>

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