Re: what is the reason for not making epiphany the default

On 28 Jan, 2006, at 3:36 AM, Adam Hooper wrote:

On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 14:06 +0100, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:

Would it perhaps be an idea to relabel the 'Go' button to 'Search', and performing the same action when clicked as when the user had pressed enter after entering keywords? Only when something that looks like a valid URL was entered, the label would change to 'Go'.

That would mean whenever someone started entering an URL, the label would change to "Search" until they typed the first "." character. I think that would be quite distracting.

(Anyone remember Netscape 6? That had a "Search" button on by default and a "Go" button off by default, causing much confusion.)

I know, I know, changing button labels is generally not a good idea, but maybe just in this case it could work...

In my experience, less technical users think they're "search"-ing when
they type in a URL, anyway. I'd believe it if someone told me that
leaving it as "Search" forever is the best way to go.

A close relative of mine habitually types URLs into Google's front page, and clicks on the resulting link. That's partly why I think any Web browser should have a Web search field in its chrome (at least, if the OS itself doesn't), instead of having a search engine as its default home page.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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