Re: bookmark sharing

Hi Christian,

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Christian Krause wrote:

I've read in the announcements of gnome 2.12:

Yes, the release notes were somewhat overly optimistic on this feature. I've even asked to remove this line but I guess we should have done that a bit earlier in the process.

Anyhow, here's the deal, according to Bastien who wrote the feature:

It's not bookmarks sharing, unfortunately[1].
It will discover and list link-local (Rendez-vous, Bonjour, Zeroconf,
whatever) websites, using gnome-vfs. gnome-vfs needs to be compiled with
Howl support.

I have a patch for didiwiki to advertise itself, Apache on MacOS X comes
with a Rendez-vous plugin (if you have data in ~/Sites, the site will be
advertised), and one can advertise some sites by hand as well:

mDNSPublish "My website" _http._tcp 8080 path=/blog/
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
            website name            port     path of the site

Those bookmarks will show up in the "Local Sites" section of the
bookmarks, and the menu can be added to the bookmarks bar.

This is equivalent to Safari's feature:
"Safari, Apple's turbo-charged web browser, uses Bonjour to find any web
addresses on your local network  for printer, router or webcam setup
and administration, for instance."

[1]: I'd pay beers for that feature to be implemented:

Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net> Lucas has made a vacuous, boring, pretentious, retroactively destructive
sequel. He has lost the plot. The man is a fool. -- Simon Pegg (on the
Phantom Menace)

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