Side buttons for gnome browsing utilities

Hi there. First, Epiphany is a very nice browser with great features
(the categorized + smart bookmarks in particular).

Anyhow, onto the real subject of this email. A while back I got my side
buttons to work to work with firefox (ie as back/forward buttons)
without too much trouble, simply by editing my xorg.conf file so that my
mouse buttons were recognized and assigned properly. 

However, these buttons seem to be completely ignored by epiphany and
nautilus. I'm thinking that this might be because these buttons are not
supported by gnome, because the little I've been able to gather with
google always seems to suggest imwheel as a solution. 

My question basically: 
1. Is there a way in gnome itself to use my mouse's side buttons as
back/forward buttons in epiphany (or nautilus), without having to resort
to using imwheel?

Thanks for your input,

-Dan F

It's not where you're hiking, it's that you're hiking - dude

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