Re: Proposal for bookmarks/history database

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 09:43 +1100, Peter Harvey wrote:
> Just remember, every 'node' of data is given a unique id. All these
> tables do is record different types of information on that node. There
> is *no* global list of all nodes.

This makes the database horrible un-relational. It is standard database
practice for the same type of data to get sequential IDs. This leads to
two cases:

a. "bookmark" and "history item" are the same data type, in which case
they appear in the same table and have the same properties.
b. "bookmark" and "history item" are different data types, in which case
they each get their own set of IDs and their own tables.

Other cases lead to confusion, so they shouldn't be used unless there is
a very good reason to do so.

> # parent-child relationships between nodes
> table 'children'
>   int id
>   int child

I was about to write a big, long description of how this table could be
fixed to work work for case "b." above, when I realized that it could
simply be removed entirely. Its only use is for topics, so it can be
replaced by:

table 'topic_bookmarks':
  int topic_id
  int bookmark_id

> # data of high-level nodes that are used to organise the other nodes
> table 'globals'
>   int id
>   string name

This table will never get used, and it's not needed.

> # data related to page visits, refers to a url node
> table 'visits'
>   int id
>   int url
>   date visited
> # data for visited urls
> table 'urls'
>   int id
>   string url
>   string title
>   string icon

I imagine the first table could be removed and the second could be
renamed to "history"? Also, you could remove the "id" column. Like so:

table 'history'
  string url
  string title
  string icon
  date last_visit

> # data for bookmarks
> table 'bookmarks'
>   int id
>   string url
>   string title
>   string icon

> # data related to user-specified topics
> table 'topics'
>   int id
>   string name

I'd rename those "id" columns to "bookmark_id" and "topic_id" to make
their relations with "table_bookmark" absolutely clear. SQLite then lets
you use "NATURAL JOIN", a cute bit of syntactic sugar.

> Q. Can I store searches here?
> A. Yes. Just store it as a url with a special marker (I like newline)
>    in the middle, and make it a child of the node which is called
>    'searches' according to the globals table.

You wrote a "searches" table in another post; I'll copy/paste it here,
without the superfluous "id" column:

table 'searches'
  string url_prefix
  string url_suffix
  string title
  string icon

It could also be changed to just have one line of data, "url", and just
use something smarter than "%s". "`" or "^" would make it easy: they're
single characters that are guaranteed not to appear in a url.

> Q. How do I store a bookmark?
> A. Create a node (unique number) and add an entry to the bookmarks
>    table. Then take the node called 'bookmarks' in the globals table
>    and make your new node node a child of that node.

With my design:

INSERT INTO bookmarks (bookmark_id, url, title, icon) VALUES (NULL,
'', 'GNOME', '\89PNG...');

The caller can then use "sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()" to return the
bookmark ID (so that topics can be assigned to it).

> Q. Why not just have one table per attribute? Name, icon, url, etc?
> A. I'm not a database expert, but I would *assume* that would make 
>    queries horribly slow as you'd need to correlate data from multiple
>    tables simultaneously. I've tried to ensure we correlate no more
>    than three tables at once for most things.

Correct. That would be impractical design to make tons of tables.

To sum up: in my experience, the above database design is slightly
easier to understand and to code for. It also removes pretty much every
unnecessary concept translated from "EphyNode" (database IDs being the
main one) -- and in my opinion, that is a good thing!

Adam Hooper <adamh densi com>

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