Re: extension for Konqueror-style search shortcuts, and other comments

Hi Sander,

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, Sander van Loon wrote:

Unfortunately, when I try to download the extension posted as attachment
"Bookmark-Keywords extension (rev. 3)" it can't be opened with Archive
Manager: "could not open attachment.cgi".

That's strange, I can reproduce that. Anyone know what's going on??

I just tried deskbar-applet, but I don't think I really like it.

You must be the first I hear saying that! :]

Concerning the tab scrolling limitation in GTK, are the GTK developers
planning on fixing this?

You should ask them, not us. As far as I know their priorities lie elsewhere at the moment.

don't even read the tab titles, what is important for me is that I can quickly switch between tabs.

Well, you can, by using the Tabs menu or the Alt+<number> shortcut. Practically
this is how Konqueror does it, quite simple if you ask me.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not convinced this is a better design. For instance, why is it 'simple' that the *vertical* ordering of items in the list in the Konqueror toolbar editor defines the *horizontal* order on the toolbar?

are talking about usability experts, doesn't GNOME have usability
experts helping with the project?

Matthew and Bryan are regular posters on this list, they are usability professionals. Marco, who started this whole project, did so to create a simple, Human Interface Guidelines-compliant browser. So although we may not always get it exactly right, there's plenty of usability-awareness on this project :-)


Reinout van Schouwen

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