Re: [Epiphany] Toolbar editor redux

iain wrote:

>ons, 2003-03-12 kl. 18:07 skrev Dave Bordoley:
>> Gnumeric is borked here imho and everyone i've talked to on the ui team 
>>seems to agree for the most part.
>Simply because there's more than one toolbar? Sorry to tell you, but
>thats not going to go away.
>Even with 2 toolbars what would an application look like if it defaulted
>to Both?
The fact is that gnumeric (like most office apps, thanks microsoft) 
grosslly overuses toolbars. The whole point of toolbars (vs. menus) is 
that they provide quick access to the most commonly used tools (they are 
not meant to replace menus). To facilitate this  large targets including 
labels are preferable. Gnumeric toolbar items on the other hand do not 
provide an interface that is quicker to use than the menus, due to the 
lack of labels (which forces the user to read a tooltip to figure out  
what a button does) and small target size.  Will this get fixed in 
gnumeric, probably not since overuse of toolbars has become pretty 
standard in offic apps, however this misuse does not justify misuse by 
other apps (eg. web browsers). 


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