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To be able to start a new translation you need the application's untranslat=
ed messages, which is stored in a so called pot file (suffix .pot). The pot=
 file for $PACKAGE can either be fetched from the web or generated from $PA=
CKAGE source code taken from CVS.

<h3>Fetching the pot file from the translation status pages</h3>

The easiest way to get the pot file is to fetch the pot file from the web. =
You'll find it on the GNOME translation status pages, located at:

<a href=3D"";>http://develope=</a>

If you browse these pages you should find a reference to $PACKAGE and be ab=
le to download a pot file for it.

<h3>Generating the pot file from $PACKAGE source code in CVS</h3>

Another way of getting the pot file is by using anonymous GNOME CVS access.=
 If you do intend to get the pot file this way you need to make sure that y=
ou have the software "intltool" installed on your computer. It should alway=
s be the latest available version; if it isn't, please upgrade before you b=

When you use CVS you need to checkout the "$PACKAGEMODULE" module and go to=
 the "po" directory of the module. Instructions on how to use anonymous GNO=
ME CVS access are at:

<a href=3D"";>http://developer.gnom=</a>

When you have checked out the module, go to the "po" directory inside it an=
d run:

	intltool-update --pot

This should create the pot file for you.


Once you have the pot file, rename it to xy.po, where "xy" in the file name=
 should be the language code of the language you are translating to (like "=
sv" for Swedish). Then it's just a matter of filling out the headers (if yo=
u are not sure about what the headers should be, ask your language team), a=
nd filling out the pairs:

	msgid "This is a message from the application."
	msgstr ""

In the example above, your translation should go inside the quotes after th=
e msgstr. Proceed this way until all messages in the file have a translatio=
n. If you are unsure about anything regarding this, ask your language team.

Once you have completed the translation, you should check
that it is encoded in the "UTF-8" encoding (we require translations to be e=
ncoded in UTF-8). You can make sure the file is encoded in UTF-8 by running=

	msgconv -t UTF-8 xy.po > && mv xy.po

<p>You should also make sure that the translation is syntactically correct.=
 You can do that by doing this:

	msgfmt -cv xy.po

If there is any error, please go back and correct it before continuing. Whe=
n all errors are gone, send the translation to a person in your language te=
am that has GNOME CVS access, and ask him/her to please commit it. If you s=
end the file by mail, it's usually a good idea to first compress the file w=
ith "gzip", since otherwise some mail software may do bad things and not pr=
eserve the encoding.

That's it. If you have any questions regarding the PO format, gettext or tr=
anslations, please ask your language team. If the question is specific to $=
PACKAGE (such as the messages themselves or $PACKAGE code), ask $PACKAGE

Thanks for your help!

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