Re: Identity guess update

On 21.05.2002 09:24 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Tue 05:13, 21 May 2002 Steffen Klemer wrote:
>> Am 2002.05.20 21:34 schrieb(en) Pawel Salek:
>>> On 2002.05.18 01:07 Martin Leopold wrote:
>>>> Hi all.
>>>> I just downloaded Balsa 1.3.6 looking good as allways, allthough I 
>>>> was still not pleased with the identity guessing rutine.
>>>> [...]
>>>> One way to solve this would be to mark some mailboxes as "allways 
>>>> reply ising identity x", but there was a shortcut. Looking at the 
>>>> headers from my mailing lists I discovered two headers: 
>>>> "Original-Recipient" and "Delivered-To" I can't seem to find any RFCs 
>>>> on any of them, so I'm not sure if they are standard compliant, and 
>>>> who actually sets them (the best I could come up with is that it is 
>>>> qmail specific). Each contained the address of my account.
>>>> I could only find one "Original-Recipient" which had the form 
>>>> "rfc822;"..
>>>> All the other lists had one or more "Delivered-To", forms including:
>>>> Delivered-To:
>>>> Delivered-To:
>>>> Delivered-To:  mailing list
>>> I do not see these headers with my e-mail address on any of the lists 
>>> I am subscribed to  (I see only Delivered-To: 
>>> and similar). My impression is that these headers are added by your 
>>> mail delivery agent.
>> same for me: no delivered-to with my addi.
>> Such a patch would be cool, but I don't see a possibility to implent it 
>> right :-(
> Hmmm... I replied to this at the weekend but the message doesn't seem to 
> have reached the list.  Must have chosen the wrong reply option :(
> Delivered-To: is set by qmail when a message is delivered.  Because it 
> is qmail specific it is not reliable.  In any case it is non standard 
> and should start with an X-.  I don't know if there is a formal 
> definition of its syntax.
> Original-Recipient: is part of the Multipart/Report content, 
> specifically the machine readable message/delivery-status part.  It is 
> present only if the SMTP DSN extension is used and then only if the 
> ORCPT parameter to the RCPT TO command is present.  It is *not* a 
> message header, it is structured data in the body of a 
> message/delivery-status part.
> Since both are nonstandard message headers they are unreliable and 
> undocumented and assumptions about their misuse by various MTAs should 
> not be coded into balsa.
> In any case, the identity per mailbox patch I submitted a while ago 
> should solve the problem, details are in the archive.  In short edit 
> ~/.gnome/balsa and add a line "Identity=identity-name" to the section 
> for the desired mailbox.  "identity-name" corresponds to one of the 
> identities in the Identities dialogue. (I really will code some UI for 
> this in the near future!)
> Alternatively, it might be useful to be able to filter on the content of 
> arbitrarily named headers in the filters dialogue in addition to the 
> From/To/Cc/Subject or All options.

If I find a way to add that possibility without having a too cluttered 
dialog box, it's easy to implement. I guess I'll let the user type the 
header name (in a drop down list that will remember the other ones he has 
typed before, I mean that this will be saved in the config file).

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