Re: [Q] : about information dialog box

On 2001.10.30 23:36 Pawel Salek wrote:
> On 2001.10.30 18:32 Emmanuel wrote:
>> I'm preparing a new filters patch release with a GUI modified, but I 
>> have a gtk problem : I have a modal box, and when user data are invalid 
>> I want to print an explanation message via balsa_information. But
> First of all, avoid modal dialog boxes _if_ possible: they are 
> considered a bad UI because they force user to do something and do not 
> let him/her do something else.

Yes I know, but either I make it modal, either I'll get a lot of trouble 
to make the whole thing consistent :(

> Secondly, have in mind that balsa_information errors/warnings can be 
> reconfigured. Rememer it when designing the UI.

What do you mean by "reconfigured" : they can be made modal ?


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