Re: help with doc (was Re: ANNOUNCE: Balsa-1.2.1 released.)

Ok - just got this message (work, work, work).  I'll start in on the 
sgml tonight.  If anyone has any work that's been done, please contact 
me so that we're not duplicating efforts.

I will be away this weekend,  but should be able to get things in by the 
29th (at least cleaned up and with new screenshots).




Pawel Salek wrote:

> Guys,
> thanks for volunteering! Many people complain that the documentation 
> of the open source programs is poor - and you have got chance to 
> change this opinion.
> Before we start changing the world (read: entire open source), let's 
> change just balsa documentation.
> There are actually two main tasks:
> - update of the website
> - update of balsa.sgml
> The first one requires some knowledge of HTML, the other one - SGML. 
> What is most important in both cases is the information, not the form. 
> So, don't worry if you are not expert in one or another field.
> Regarding the website:
> - faq needs to be updated (just go through, say, last two months of 
> balsa-list). some known problems may be added there as well.
> - screenshots need to be updated.
> - features need to be updated.
> General face lift up would be appreciated but it of secondary 
> importance. Again, it is the information that counts.
> Regarding balsa.sgml:
> - it has to be synced vs current menus, preferences.
> - there are some screenshots a little bit out of date.
> - informations about gtkhtml stability is not true any more.
> - etc.
> - this task has slightly shorter deadline: we would like to release 
> 1.2.2 relatively soon (just for the doc, few bug fixes and 
> translations), probably within 7 days. Don't be afraid of asking for 
> help: the primary objective is to get it done. Time is precious. Don't 
> worry too much about formatting, again, it is the content and accuracy 
> that counts.
> Just in case, you can get current balsa.sgml from
> Feel free to start from scratch if you find it more convienient.
> Questions, comments? I am really looking forward to this!
> Pawel
> PS. of course, more volunteers are welcome!

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