Re: RFC mailbox interface

On 11.23.2001 01:25 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Thu, 22 November 20:24 Kenneth Haley wrote:
>> On 11.22.2001 05:23 Pawel Salek wrote:
>>> On 2001.11.22 10:56 Kenneth Haley wrote:
>>>> Does the API really need getAllHeaders, getBody, and getAll or 
>>>> would getAll be enough and let the client seperate out the headers?
>>> Yes. Think of IMAP or similar protocol: You do not want to fetch 
>>> all the messages just to access subjects and dates. Actually, even 
>>> more
>>> fine-grained API would be appreciated (if only implementation is 
>>> not too difficult): getBodyPart(partNo) - to download attachments 
>>> on request only.
>> Wouldn't that require MIME parsing in the lib?  I don't know how 
>> IMAP handles this but it's likely to be to much for a simple mailbox 
>> lib.
> IMAP itself requires MIME capability both on server and client side.  
> A full IMAP client library is a major undertaking; see the list 
> archive for discussion on why this is the case.
> MIME parsing aside, Pawel is right to want a fine grained API.  If 
> the mailbox storage is managed by a server on a remote host (like 
> with IMAP), fine grained control implies less network traffic and 
> therefore better perceived performance on slow links.
My concern has to due with implemeting this for mailboxes that don't 
already support it.  It would be best if the API can be designed in 
such a way as to allow for this.
K. Haley <>

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