Re: I18n trouble

On 2000-09-27 09:29:15 Olivier Jousselin wrote:
> 	But, in some cases, the names of the days appear no longer in
> French, but in Swedish (I think it's Swedish, at least). This occurs at
> least in two particular reproductible cases :
> - in the message display window (in the list window, the days are in
> French)
> - when I reply to a message, in the quotation-header line

This was most likely to setlocale() function called in the compose code to
get right charsets of fontsets. This code turned out to be unstable for yet
unknown reasons and has been rewritten. (the CVS version does /not/ have
this problem, but may have some other).

Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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