Re: balsa-0.9.5 released

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Pawel Salek wrote:
> > - spell always tells me, that it can't find any sutable word lists for
> > language-tag "en". But ispell works ok?
> > 

This is likely because you haven't installed pspell correctly, it needs a
number of .pwli files that locate the word lists for different programs and
languages.  The instructions for making them are located in the pspell
documentation, which can be found at:

> > - spell should allow multiple languages.
> I think there is no better GUI check spelling tool on the market thank
> pspell but I have impression that pspell guys don't forget about these
> international issues (you better ask them).

Pspell does support multiple languages and character sets.  If  you set the
LANGUAGE environment variable properly Balsa will automatically tell pspell
to check in that language.


Matthew Guenther                     If it doesn't work, force it. If                it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

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