Re: Patches Applied

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 05:19:59 Pawel Salek wrote:
> I enclose yet another patch against current CVS (I hope I will get the
> CVS write acces soon and stop bothering you guys) that saves favorite
> shown headers between sessions - as suggested by Barry Haddow - and
> pre-fills the "reply-to" field with the value from the Preferences.
> Apply with patch -p1 < headers.patch 

Applied. Thanks for all this work, and I'll help you badger Miguel
if necessary.

> I also grow tired with GtkText and I think I will try to replace it with
> something else (I can't make my mind what annoys me more: GtkText in the
> Compose window or GnomeCanvas in the message browsing window: I do need
> option to copy some text from mails, at least damn URLs).
> Pawel

I was thinking maybe we should try URL detection code, and then making 
links like the --APPLICATION--'s, except we'd copy the text or try to
open the URL.

Replacing either the GtkText or the GnomeCanvasItemText would be damn hard,
as far as I can tell. If you have any ideas, though, tackling them would
be pretty cool.

Peter Williams

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