Re: [Usability] Content Separation in GNOME

Hi, first post on this list so I hope it's made it to the right place.

"(Nautilus -- or a program Nautilus delegated to -- could even present
the ~/Downloads folder window as a universal download manager. Browsers,
IM clients, and so on would still be responsible for doing the actual
downloading into the folder, but the folder window would provide a
unified interface for stopping and showing status of downloads. An API
would need to be invented for retrying/resuming and communicating
expected final file size, though.)"

Why stop at just a Downloads folder? Why not have special nautilus views for different types of document, like photos & music? For example, when you browse to a folder containing music, it has the album cover partially transparent in the background & displays the artist & album name in a Rhythmbox-type hyperlink under the nautilus toolbar, plus other useful data like album length.

If this was all done by some sort of template system, new templates could be added to folders by new apps, e.g. when you install Dia it asks if you want to install a Dia view to the default Dia save location. With a nice graphical template editor (think Glade) & an entry in Prefs/More Prefs/File Management to decide which folder uses which template, this could extend the customisability of the file manager greatly, by third parties & the like. Programs like F-Spot could be implemented entirely within the file manager.

The templates would need some kind of programming behind them, so dynamic effects like hiding & filtering documents could be achieved. _javascript_ or Python should suffice for this kind of thing & if the templates were XML-based, XQuery/XPath could be used.

To maintain some sort of interface consistancy, HIG guidelines for templates would be required & GNOME-default templates should be provided. But themes like Clearlooks could switch to their own views, which work with the colour scheme of the windows & give a more 'integrated' feel to the file manager.

Just a couple of ideas, but it seems to me that going down this route would allow a lot more power when managing files.

Phil Bull

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