Re: [Usability] Galeon (in Ximian2 )and probably all GTK2 versions

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 23:03, Carlos Morgado wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 21:05:16, Mark Finlay wrote:
> > That case should ideally be handled not by a browse but by
> > desktop wide network profiles which are chosen at boot.
> > 
> You're confusing a multi user system with Microsoft Windows. That's ok, 
> people sometimes get confused.

Ha ha ha - man you really know how to hit a guy where it hurts ;p

> What you mean is the per user proxy setup Gnome already has. However, this is 
> fairly pointless considering we're talking about a proxy on/off menu. I'm not 
> sure what usuability guideline led to removing that option (maybe 
> functionality confuses users or something like that) but aparently that's the 
> single most used option in galeon1 menus. 

Dude, this is the Gnome usability list - this topic didn't belong here
in the first place - it's be a lot quicker to just talk to the galeon
developers. If you post to a gnome list you are of course going to get
people like me thinking about solving things in the desktop - that's
because that is what we hack on.

Bye bye smart arse

Mark Finlay <sisob eircom net>

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