Re: [system-tools] usb network adapter

Hi Kristof!

Sorry for the late reply

On Mon, 2004-08-02 at 04:02 +0000, Kristof Vansant wrote:
> I have a little idea for network-admin.
> It would be handy if you could tell it to auto configure a new network
> card to dhcp and then activate the card.
> A program listening to hald could call network-admin then to configure a
> just plugt in usb network adapter.
> program that listens to hald hears hald say there is a new ethernet
> device.
> program starts: network-admin --add-device=foo
> network-admin configures the new device for dhcp and starts dhcp on the
> device.
> result: happy user :)

It really seems a great idea :), I'd want to integrate more the network
tool in the desktop, and it could be a really nice feature

I've got only two issues:

- I'd prefer to ifup the interface if it's already configured and popup
the interface configuration dialog instead of configuring it directly to
DHCP, it's the most common case, but not the only, and the dialog is
easy enough

- This feature could be nice for any kind of network device (newly
inserted network cards, PCMCIA wi-fi cards,...) but I don't know if HAL
handles all those events

But I'd love to see this feature though, there will be development for
new features in the g-s-t, so it's now in the list of nice-to-have :)



> lupusBE (Kristof Vansant Belgium)
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