Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] [PATCH] for hardware-conf and

>> Question1: error messages are now spit out in plain text, shouldn't
>> these be outputted in xml, so the frontend can easily parse them and
>> display them in the gui/frontend?
>> Question2: Is it already possibly to configure a remote machine via the gui
>> and backends.  I imagine that the backends have been installed on the
>> remote machine and the frontends are run at the local machine.  Whether it
>> is yes or no, how (will be) is this implemented (using ssh e.g., and how is
>> the frontend told to configure the remote system and the local one)?

> This is for people that run linux as a router application, without X and 
> desktop stuff.  If those people wanna use xst to configure that (router) box 
> they need to tell their gui configuration environment that it needs access 
> the remote system and not the local one.
> I hope that this time the patches are reviewed (and comitted) and that I get 
> an answer on my question (that will be appreciated).

I wrote the ChangeLog entry and committed the patches this morning.

Answer1: We actually have plans for using an established technology, using
XML, for this. So you're right on :)

Answer2: This is not implemented in the frontends right now. While it would
be possible to use ssh for this, we plan on using another remote activation
framework (this is related to Answer1).

Hans Petter

setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

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