Fwd: [Fwd: GNOME Roadmap - Information Request for seahorse]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nate Nielsen <nielsen memberwebs com>
Date: 26/04/2007 08:56
Subject: [Fwd: GNOME Roadmap - Information Request for seahorse]
To: Adam Schreiber <sadam clemson edu>
Cc: Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org>

Hash: SHA1

Since I'll be working on lower level crypto infrastructure in
gnome-keyring this cycle, I'll probably only get to bug fixes (and
releases) on seahorse.

Adam, do you feel like filling this out?

If you feel up to it, you could also add yourself to the MAINTAINERS
file, to become an official co-maintainer of seahorse. Up to you though.

Nate Nielsen

- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: GNOME Roadmap - Information Request for seahorse
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:31:44 +0300
From: Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org>
To: nielsen memberwebs com

Dear maintainer,

GNOME 2.18 was released ~1 month ago, and we've all started to focus
on the next development cycle. A new roadmapping process has been
proposed[1] to know our short-term and long-term plans. The goal is to
compose a GNOME-wide roadmap for the next stable releases. And we need
your help to do this. It's important that you take a few minutes to
reply to the following questions before May 7.

- ----

- - What are your plans for GNOME 2.20 (next 4 months, before feature and
UI freezes)?

- - What are your plans for GNOME 2.22 (next year)?

- - Do you have plans for a future release?

- - Do you have any goals from 2.18 that were not achieved? Why?

- - Is there something that is really missing in our infrastructure or
platform that would help you?

- - Do you have plans to work on other modules not maintained by you?
What are they?

- - Do you have any GNOME-wide goals suggestions for the next releases?

- ----

You can reply those questions in two ways: you can directly create a
wiki page for your module's roadmap or you can just reply this
message to roadmap-list gnome org
To create the wiki page, follow the instructions:

1. Create a wiki page under http://live.gnome.org/RoadMap/ModuleName,
where "ModuleName" is a wiki word version of your module (i.e Gedit,
LibGnome, GnomeVfs, etc). You can use this template for the wiki page
initial content:

2. Add a link to the new page in http://live.gnome.org/RoadMap/Modules
and set the status column to "Info" accordingly.

- ----

You can keep track of the roadmapping process for your (and other)
modules at:

For more information about the roadmap process, go to:

For more information about our schedule, go to:

Thanks for your contribution!

The Roadmap Gang


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