Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Revisiting The "Jukebox" Mode Discussion


I had some thoughts about that during the holidays too, and came up with
something simpler (and probably less powerful). I think this could be
handled using the existing playlist concept: once the user starts
playing a playlist, a "queue in current playlist" context menu item
becomes available, allowing the user to easily create a "hopper" or
"jukebox" playlist as the user wants to call it.


Le samedi 08 janvier 2005 à 21:33 -0500, Dan8827 a écrit :
> This past May there was considerable discussion of how to implement an
> "on the fly" playlist - in other words, a way to queue up songs that
> would be played next.  Is anything still happening in that regard?
> I recently installed and spent a couple of days playing around with
> Amarok, a KDE player.  It's got lots of eye candy, and has the much-
> desired queuing up feature.  After using it for a day or so, however, I
> came to the conclusion that Rhythmbox is much more efficient at slicing
> and dicing my collection, and allowing me to poke around in it.
> Compared to Amarok, Rhythmbox can appear rather plain, but I think
> "graceful" is more accurate.  Thanks for making such a good player - the
> attention to the UI has really paid off!
> Anyway, the whole experience with Amarok got me thinking about how that
> feature could be added to Rhythmbox's UI while maintaining all that
> already works so well.  (The irony of Rhythmbox is that it's great for
> letting me stumble onto some song that I had forgotten about, but I have
> no way to tell Rhythmbox to queue it up next without interrupting the
> song I'm already listening to...)
> I decided to make up another mockup, available for viewing here:
> It's quite different than what I had previously proposed last May, but I
> think it's pretty close to the proposal that Gisli Ottarsson made.
> (That's based on the descriptions from this list; Gisli's mockup doesn't
> seem to be available any more...)
> Here's a description of how it would work, some of which again is
> influenced by the discussions last May:
> Add a new item to the "Sources" list, called the "Hopper".  (I'm not
> sure I'm crazy about this name, but it'll do for the moment.)
> Selecting "Hopper" as a source causes the Hopper to appear as a new pane
> below the Sources list.  The browser and library remain on the right,
> and functionality of these hardly changes from "Library" view.  Songs
> are dragged from the Library to the Hopper, and playback is limited to
> songs in the Hopper only.  Display is limited to titles only - since the
> user has dragged the songs there, only a minimum of information is
> needed to remind the user of what the song is.  (Although I suppose this
> could be a problem if I decide to build a playlist entirely of different
> versions of "Mack The Knife"...)
> Some further thoughts:
> Songs within the Hopper can be reordered by dragging and dropping.
> The "Shuffle" and "Repeat" functions/buttons still apply when using the
> Hopper; songs could be played in random order, and playback could jump
> back to the top when the last song is played.
> Double clicking a song in the Hopper would immediately begin playback of
> that song.
> While Hopper is selected as the source, double clicking a song in the
> Library will move that song to the next spot in the Hopper list, and
> immediately begin playback of that song.
> The "Jump To Playing Song" function is present in the Hopper - it will
> jump the Library to the song playing from the Hopper.  Otherwise, when
> one song in the Hopper ends and another begins, the Library does NOT
> jump.  This allows uninterrupted browsing.
> Right clicking on a song in the Hopper would bring up the same menu as
> when right clicking on a song in the Library, but with an added item to
> "Remove From Hopper".  (Dragging a song out of the Hopper might also
> work.)
> A button labelled "Empty Hopper" clears the list, to allow you to begin
> building a new list from scratch.
> The horizontal border between the Source list and the Hopper is
> variable. Scroll bars would automatically appear in either pane when
> necessary.
> I suppose if displaying more than just the title were desired, there
> could be the ability to customize which columns are displayed.  There
> was discussion previously that at least ratings should be visible, so
> that they could be easily edited.  I imagine most of us keep the left
> side pane fairly narrow, but it can be any width, so the user would be
> empowered to display as many columns in either the Hopper or Library as
> they wished, and figure out how to balance that with screen real estate.
> Any thoughts?

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