Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Jukebox playlist

I dug a bit in the archives, but could not find the answer: 
> Colin -  why do you want to get rid of Sources?

I would like to know this too, I am a big fan of the Source.

> I didn't realize that, in RB, I'd lose the Browser and the ability to
> sort by clicking on the column heads while looking at a playlist instead
> of my Library.  Ugh.  In iTunes, the rest of the app's functionality is
> the same whether you have selected the Library or a particular playlist
> as the Source.
> Do y'all take feature requests via bugzilla?  ;-)

This is exactly why I don't mess with playlists in Rhythmbox.  The
Library has so much more functionality.  I feel like playlists are just
a list of songs in Rb, where it should be more like a subset of the
Library. There are many UI problems with playlists as you have
mentioned...where as Library is *damn close to perfect*

Another is that in playlist "Track" is replaced as the list. A huge
error in my opinion.

The playlist should have no different look-and-feel than the library.
But I am sure many will disagree.

(of course all this will change if a completely new UI approach is

> As for a Jukebox (aka Party Shuffle) feature, I was all set to cheer on
> Gisli's prototype -- until I read Dan8827's proposal.  

OK, I like Dans basic approach of having a separate Source, but If I
could be so bold, I would have it like this...

Split up into my next email (too long).


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