Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [PATCH] add support for additional --print-playing-*

On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 14:06, Joe Wreschnig wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 02:21, Jon Oberheide wrote:
> > This patch for the 0.8 branch adds support for --print-playing-artist,
> > --print-playing-album, --print-playing-track, and
> > --print-playing-genre.  Please consider for inclusion.
> Have you seen the various scripts that can do this? They are faster and
> usually more versatile. My own is at
> It's written in Python, and lets you use a format string to get the
> title, artist, genre, album, rating, time, and track number. Some other
> ones have circulated on this list, too.

I'm currently writing a plugin for gaim that will use this information
from rhythmbox.  However, it is not desirable to depend on an outside
scripts which depends on python.

> It would be nice if something like this was included in the main
> Rhythmbox install, but I don't think the rhythmbox binary is the right
> place for it.

Printing the title, path, and length is already supported in the binary;
this patch just extends support to other song attributes.  I think
having the options in the binary provides greater versatility than
depending on an external script.

Jon Oberheide
jonojono umich edu

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