Re: GStreamer regression analysis [was: GNOME and GStreamer]


> > Compare to the GTK+ 2.0 situation - very few people started porting
> > applications to GTK+ 2.0 when it first came out.  Does that make it a
> > development branch ? The difference lies in the pluggability of
> > GStreamer - which you should view separate from the core.
> >
> > I completely agree that it is a fair reason for not choosing to use
> > GStreamer 0.10 - I just wanted to point out the difference.
> Unfortunately, gstreamer *is* a coherent whole, in the sense that
> GNOME doesn't get to choose 'hey, lets use the gstreamer 0.10 core,
> but the 0.8 codecs!'

Of course, that's the point I agree with.  I'm just saying that this is
not a fair reason to call all of GStreamer 0.10 a development series.
The core is stable, as are the base plugins.  Additions can be made, as
can new plugins.  How is this different from GTK+ 2 ? How long did it
take to get an even halfway decent file selector in ? The only
difference is that us still being a 0.whatever is precisely because we
haven't commited to a 1.whatever API stability yet.

That's the point I was making - you don't necessarily need all the
features put back in into what you call a stable release.  On the
contrary - you need that pivotal point of doing a stable release of
something to generate wider interest and effort :)

(Of course, from GNOME's point of view, you can turn this around easily
and say "all the more reason for GNOME not to consider regressing on
features inside a minor release series)

> Thanks for being reasonable and not taking this as a personal attack,
> as some people on both sides of this thread seem to be doing. You know
> I think you guys are (overall) doing great work and moving free
> software and free formats forward, even if I think sometimes you pay
> too little attention to users ;)

We try.  But hey - weren't you that guy with that company that promised
me they were going to keep shipping packages for RH/Fedora after being
bought by Novell, then never did ? F**kers :) (Ok, I *know* I'm going to
get kicked for that one...)


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