Re: GNOME and GStreamer

Hi Vincent,

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Yes, we are keeping an eye on regressions. What are the current
> regressions? The ones I have heard of are:
>  + no DVD support
>    => we're not advertising this
>  + no subtitles support in totem
>    => is this hard to fix?
>  + some plugins not ported
>    => I thought this is only a problem for some "non-free" plugins
> Are there some other regressions? Or is one of those 3 items a blocker?

I can obfuscate any regression like this, but let's not. What is your
definition of non-free? Does that mean blocked by patents valid only in
the US under the DMCA? Or does that mean non-(L)GPL? Or non-free with
free being as defined by the FSF? Under any but the first, I disagree with
the last point, and even under the first definition I am sceptical. I
understand that GNOME as a project officially doesn't give a rats ass
about anything but treehugger-formats like Ogg and Vorbis, but if we're
serious about this fancy momentum user thing, then screwing them as badly
as this is not gonna look good for us.

Now, back on topic, I'll do an analysis of features and regressions in
modules that I am interested in (gnome-media, totem, sound-juicer) either
this weekend or next week. After that, I'll come up with a well-backed
personal opinion. For now, I'm tired, busy, lazy and sceptical because I
have an exam at 1:00PM.


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