Re: New modules list for 2.14

On 1/10/06, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
> Hey there,
> So, it looks like on next Monday the module freeze will occur. Maybe
> it's time to get ready for it, isn't it? :-)

Oh good, I'm glad someone's getting this discussion started.  I'm not
going to have much time to help out with the proposed modules stuff,
unfortunately, but I'll add some quick notes below.

> Here's the list of proposed modules that I remember/could find. Please
> add the missing ones and correct me if I'm doing wrong statements :-)
>  + pyorbit: I think everyone is okay with this one
>  + atomix: I don't remember seeing much discussion for this one. We
> should probably try to ping people on d-d-l.
>  + deskbar-applet: most people were okay, some people thought it was
> eating too much memory. I'd say consensus was "accept". What do you
> think?

Actually, as things currently stand it I don't think it is acceptable
into the desktop.  We could fix that before next week, though, and we
probably should.  I just recently found out that it depends on
gnome-python-extras and if I recall correctly, the agreement for
dependencies was that desktop modules could depend on python bindings
*found within the bindings release set*.  gnome-python-extras is not
in that release set, is not proposed for it, and can't satisfy the
requirements of that release set anyway as it is just a wrapper for
unstable API.  I noticed this just a couple days ago and having been
meaning to email about it but am getting swamped with other stuff. 
Does anyone else want to bring this up?  We'd probably have to split
the bindings set or allow the gnome-python-extras bindings in the
desktop set and get an agreement to allow desktop modules to depend on

>  + fast-user-switch-applet: I think people were okay with it. It'd be
> nice to integrate it in the panel, but I'm not sure it will happen
> because of lack of time (flame me).
>  + gnome-power-manager: I don't remember much discussion. And I never
> tested it, so I don't know.
>  + gnome-screensaver: people want this. I'd say we should go with it,
> but maybe some people think it's not ready yet?
>  + pessulus: some positive feedback. Maybe create an admin suite for it
> and sabayon? I'm not sure it's appropriate outside an admin suite.
>  + sabayon: positive feedback. Would be nice in an admin suite too.
>  + nautilus-actions: there were some questions wrt to how it's
> integrated in nautilus. Some people wanted it to be integrated in some
> other way. No consensus.
>  + libnotify & notify-daemon: I don't remember seeing it clearly
> proposed on the lists, but when I asked John (or was it Rodrigo?) on
> IRC, he told me it was :-) Probably needs some discussion first, though.
I agree that the discussion didn't look very clear, but it did look
like a number of modules were planning on using it imminently so it
probably has some inertia behind it.  It'd be nice to have an update.

> Did I forget anything?

Jeff was going to propose a power user tools suite, which I thought
sounded pretty cool.  Jeff: any update?

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